Little Feat A.G. (After George)

As our listeners know, we've been doing a fairly deep dive into the music of Little Feat. I had a great interview with Mr. Bill Payne, co-founder and pianist for the band, and during that interview we discussed the need to encourage new listeners to Little Feat. What came out of the interviews, both with Bill and with some of the fans on the street before their show in Seattle this past summer was Little Feat fans are a little bit stuck in the past. For many hardcore Little Feat fans, the band essentially ended with the death of Lowell George in 1979, and yet the band has continued to evolve and progress and introduce new musical stylings along with a range of new vocalists following the death of Lowell George over 40 years ago.

In this episode we're going to take you on a interactive musical journey into the music of Little Feat A.G.  We've created a public Spotify playlist with all the songs that we discuss in this episode.

In the show information we've put chapter markers for each of the records we discuss. If you want to listen to part of the episode and then listen to a couple of songs from a particular record and then flip back again and listen to the interview, you can use the markers for each record in the show notes and get right back to where you left off.

Two of the records we talk about, "Shake Me Up" and "Kick'n it at the Barn" are currently unavailable on Spotify, but we are working on another way to let you hear them. Once we've got that altogether we will update the show notes, this blog page and our For What it's Worth - The Podcast Series FB page with the links, so make sure you check back in a few days.

Note: Not all listening channels allow for "chapters" but for sure our podcast site does ...For What it's Worth

Link to the podcast episode

Link to the episode Spotify playlist

Links to songs we discussed that are not available on Spotify




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